MovieChat Forums > Jong-Un Kim Discussion > Did he really feed his uncle to a pack o...

Did he really feed his uncle to a pack of wild dogs?

That would be somewhat ironic given how these Koreans are notorious for eating dogs.


According to the rumors, that's supposedly what happened. But it's difficult to say really. There so much disinformation that comes out of North Korea. I mean, this is the same regime that swore Kim Jong Il ordered the DPRK space agency, to attach steel cables to the lunar surface, to pull the moon closer to earth. They also claimed that all Americans were starving in the streets, eating snow and birds. And that Americans were being given tents and medical supplies...provided by North Korea.


They claimed kim jong ill was born in a magic cave with unicorns, he invented the hamburger and baby formula.


No. That story was already discredited. The uncle was executed by firing squad.


A fireing squad of AAA aircraft canons no less.


He looks like he ate him himself.


If not his uncle, somebody else. They're a bunch of maniacs over there. Probably recreating Human Centipede in some gulag every day.


No. You're thinking of Carole Baskins and it was her husband not an uncle and he was fed to a tiger, not wolves.


Considering some of the crazy shit I've heard come out of Incarceron---I mean North Korea, I wouldn't put it out of the realm of possibility. It's pretty normal for The Fat Man to have people shot just for looking at him the wrong way, never mind if they truly were plotting against him. He is an extremely paranoid man.
