MovieChat Forums > John Boyega Discussion > Why doesn't he return to a country in Af...

Why doesn't he return to a country in Africa?

If he doesn't like it in the UK, being the constant victim of relentless white racism, he is welcome to leave.


Why should he?

Britain IS racist, thanks for proving that. Moron


Britain IS racist

Which part? Britain isn't a country.



If it's not specified... all of it. I suppose.


Boyega's racism proves that.


It's amazing how he can be openly racist but if a white guy would say the same things, just about blacks, the Woko Haram would be at their pitchforks and cancel buttons immediately.

We live in insane times. Obscene times.
The past isn't perfect, but at least there wasn't this absurd level of hypocrisy.


He wouldn't last 5 minutes in his (spiritual) 'motherland' (nor any other pampered malcontent-of-colour)
He'd be robbed, fucked, killed and eaten (and not necessarily in that order)

But it's a lot easier (not to mention safer) for him to blame people that have never owned slaves (that he himself has also never been) from the comfort and safety of the (prejudiced, racist) Western society he (hypocritically) lives in yet purportedly hates.




Why don't you go back to Poland, or wherever your ancestors came from?

It's not like you like it here, with all these minorities walking about being alive and shit.


Funny you mention that, I was just thinking the other day that Poland seems like a pretty nice place to live right now. They've done a good job of rejecting wokery and secularism and holding onto their traditional values and culture.

Too bad the language is so fucking hard to learn.


You have something against Poland?


If the guy born in the UK why should he leave? think about it is ridiculous what you just write, people have the right to complaint if they see something wrong that is how things change for the best with people talking about and creating a debate

And by the way you just prove his point because you see him as a foreigner who should leave even when he is a native of that country, ask you self if you would say to a white person they should leave the country if they complaint about the economy or bad public service or whatever

Im not a PC guy but you are just a moron


Sometimes complaints are not legitimate and you're just being a little bitch.


Apparently he doesn't like the UK, but he's not a prisoner.

As a matter of fact, despite his mediocrity, he's done quite well out of the civilization the Brits set up all over the world - so much so that he has the resources to live wherever he wants, even Africa.


did you seriously tell a black man "go back to Africa"?! Why hasn't this racist mf been banned already?!


... what's wrong with Africa, are you trying to say Africa is bad or something? I dont get your grievance here ...



Did TheArgentinian say that Africa was 'bad'?

There's nothing wrong with Africa. There IS something wrong with telling someone to leave the Western nation in which they were born and raised, to go live in Africa.

If John Boyega *wanted* to leave to live in Africa, that would be a perfectly valid choice on his part, and I'd wish him well, but insisting that he should leave the UK IS clearly racist.

Why don't *you* leave wherever you live and move to Africa?


Because there's nothing to exploit in Africa, and he knows that.

People of color LOVE to complain about white people, even though the POCs flee their homelands for a better living in white countries, while the POCs born in white countries refuse to move to their ancestral home and be with their own people, all while crying about oppression, racism, inequality, white privilege, etc.

You'd think POCs would rather live among those who look like them since they can't seem to get along with white people no matter how accommodating white people are, but nope, they'll continue biting the hand that feeds them. One day, though, that hand will stop giving...


Wonderful comment.



WTF are you talking about? He was born in the UK.


John Boyega is very angry with whites, especially white men!


he angry because he is butt fugly.

how did this fugly man become actor? actor supposed to have face you dont notice. first thing i notice of boyega is that he look like shit run over twice.
