MovieChat Forums > Theo James Discussion > Who has seen Golden Boy? Worth it?

Who has seen Golden Boy? Worth it?

Anyone see Golden Boy? It doesn't look like I can stream it, so I will have to buy it from Amazon and I am not sure I want to pay $30 for the priviledge. Any info is greatly appreciated.

Henry's #1 "Stan!" Side eye....


I really liked it and was disappointed when they cancelled it right in the middle. The storyline was very interesting. If you are a fan of Theo's acting it would be a worthwhile buy IMO.


Thanks! I love Theo James. I'm glad he has several movies coming out this next year.

I guess I will buy the DVD. I don't understand why you can't stream it though. So weird.

Henry's #1 "Stan!" Side eye....


I just ordered the DVD's of Golden Boy. I was surprised to find out that it even came out on DVD since shows that only last 13 episodes aren't usually released on DVD. But I'm happy that it was since I'm now a huge fan of Theo's. It'll be nice to see some of his other work.


Me, too! His guest spot on Downton Abby has always stuck in my mind. I can't believe I missed the opportunity to see him on TV weekly in 2013.

I'm so ready for Insurgent. I'm thinking I might break my "see the movie before I read the book rule," so I can no what to expect from Four.

I'm excited for the DVD to arrive. It looks like his role might be all dark and broody too. I love dark and broody...

Henry's #1 "Stan!" Side eye....


I've seen a few clips from Golden Boy on youtube but it'll be nice to see the whole episodes. This show sounds so familiar like I've seen it but I know I haven't. I didn't even know who Theo was at the time it aired. lol I also can't wait for my DVD's to arrive. I like the fact that I can see him in other roles besides the Divergent movies. Although I seriously cannot wait for Insurgent! lol


I got my DVD's of Golden Boy in the mail today. I'm going to start watching it tonight. Can't wait. :)


Loved it and totally ticked it was canceled. I would LOVE some closure on some story lines


I'm on the 3rd episode now and I'm loving it so far. Such a shame it only lasted for 13 episodes. I hate when they cancel shows in the middle and they just end with no closure. It's happened with many shows I've watched in the past.

Well anyway, I'm enjoying it and on a shallow note, I'm drooling over Theo. ;-) LOL
