American Accent

While watching the previews for the upcoming Morgan and independent flick Honeymoon, I thought Leslie did a pretty good job with her American accent; This was after watching her in The Last Witch Hunter and Game Of Thrones with her English accent that I was curious about how her American accent sounded.


Living life and enjoying it one minute at a time. 



Haha, I thought she had a good american accent in Morgan. I always listen for slips when non-americans use the accent. You can usually hear it on words like 'figure', 'manufacture', 'been', or during emotional scenes. Don't remember hearing her slip!

That's what she said.


Rose did the US accent in the movies 'Morgan', 'Honeymoon' and 'Sticky Notes', and in the two and a half seasons of CBS legal drama 'The Good Fight' (sequel to 'The Good Wife') in the role of the lawyer Maia Rindell (I said two and a half seasons because her character, Maia, was absent from a few episodes of season 3), and she totally nailed the accent in all of those roles
