He is the new Nolan

Greetings, I am the leader of the Nolanite chapter here on IMDb. What is the word for the CHAZELLE fans? Chazellites?

Anyway, I'm here to propose an alliance between the Nolanites and Chazellites or whatever you call yourselves to take over IMDb. The message boards may be gone soon but the Top 250 will remain. Soon we can make it be dominated by NOLAN and CHAZELLE.

PS: Y'all should really check out Guy and Madeline on a Park Bench if you haven't. Only got like 600 ratings so it should be easy to get its rating up from 6.4.


Nah, he's the new William Wyler, this guy will collect Oscar nominations like I collect bills.

Darth Vader is scary and I  The Godfather


This has not aged well.
