Her laugh..

My god, watching Magic Mike right now, and her laugh at the beach on the 4th of July made me want to go on her board and ask if anyone else thought about it?


It was awful and so forced.. Just like her acting


Hahaha I literally came on here to write about the exact same thing. She is so awkward.


Her laugh was so annoying! She was so annoying in Magic Mike. Horrendous actress. I felt so embarrassed for her.


Her "laughing" scene was strange - I had to stop and figure out if she was trying to laugh for real or what! This is the first time I can remember actually seeking out an actor's name, to go to their board, just because they were so incredibly horrible & awful! I hated her character, but added to that were those annoying frowny faces she kept making - not cute! And she's the worst actress I've seen in a very long time.

"Are you going to your grave with unlived lives in your veins?" ~ The Good Girl


I am gratified to see a thread about this. I'm watching it now and that was the most painful awkward fake laugh I have ever heard. Just think that was the best laugh she was able to give. How could it even be possible there were worse versions of that scene??!!!It was literally like she was saying "Ha Ha Ha Ha yes I know right Ha Ha Ha Ha"

And why did they try and make her frowny faced buzz kill character all cutesy funny clever? She is just bad very bad in every way.


LOL, thats why I am here too, watching it right now, just wanna mute her, what a terrible actress, who did she have to blow to get this part? because Im pretty sure there were 100 other new actresses that auditioned who were wayyyy better at acting and prettier.
