MovieChat Forums > Margot Robbie Discussion > I don't see what all the hype is about.

I don't see what all the hype is about.

She's not attractive, she can act, but she not attractive. Seen better looking women walking the streets.


Really? She's not attractive? What exactly about her is unattractive? Go ahead we're all dying to be enlightened about this.


Its either a gay man, a girl or a girl trying to pull off being a guy. No straight man would say she isn't attractive


She's attractive. So are thousands of chicks on porn websites or on instagram. I also don't get the big deal. Her acting isn't anything incredible


I think she has a good looking face, but nothing special. I'd give her a 7 out of 10, in other words there are many, many women who look better than her.


Amazing actress, amazing approach to acting, refreshing approach to it all too.

Oh and not attractive? You havin' a larf.

Swimsuit scene in Focus - WOW.


You might want to rephrase that.


She may not be your type. My opinion is she can act, has cool personality and is one of the most beautiful women.


On which streets do you see better women? In which city? Do you understand life?!


She is attractive but somehow her acting was better in the Wolf Of Wall street then anything she's been in recently. It's like she's deteriorated in acting ability.


You Cant Be Serious She is Very Attractive & is A Talented Actress
