RIP (1994-2019)

So sad you chose to go out the way you did, girl. I'm sorry no one was able to help you with your problems.😢


another child star chewed up by the system. very sad.


I don't get where her family was. It had been obvious for years that she had mental issues. She should've cut herself off from social media, it was only making things worse.


Everyone always sees celebs as the more fortunate people. So they need to be thankful and happy they can be rich and famous. They should not be sad, that would be insulting to the non rich and famous.


In SK, the vast majority of singer/actor celebs deserve to be pittied - especially the kpop stars who went through the 'system'. I'm not surprised so many of them off themselves later in life.


Social media is a strange beast. Younger generations thrive on it and most can experience it as simply a fun way to communicate with the larger world.
But as someone who has been targeted unfairly on SM, it's very unsettling and terribly unfair. People with absolutely no conscience can make vile accusations with no basis in truth, and how many people won't see through the obvious agenda behind it? Not everyone has the right support system; I know I don't.
There really should be safeguards and obvious punishments for people who abuse the internet over personal grudges or simply for amusement.


Would have loved to tap that azz


Like she would've let you.


Thank you, Strat.



Now why did you do that? That's just sad.😔


it is haunting. sorry.


From all accounts her problem was a nip slip on social media. Apparently that one instance caused her fans to turn on her and shame her as if she had become a hooker... that pushed her over the edge.


That incident was recent. She had been bullied and harrassed online for years. She took a break from show business for that reason. But I think there was more going on than that. I think it was the entire celebrity lifestyle that eventually got to her. She may have been more susceptible to depression as a person as well.
