MovieChat Forums > Colin Morgan Discussion > Addicts Symphony (Narration)

Addicts Symphony (Narration)

On 27 Aug 2014, Colin Morgan will narrate Big Mountain Productions' Addicts Symphony on Channel 4 (UK). The one off documentary follows composer, musician and recovering alcoholic James McConnel who brings together ten classical musicians whose lives have been blighted by addiction for a spectacular concert.



Is there ANY WAY for me to see it here in the western US? Will it be recorded perhaps for a dvd release later? Any help is appreciated! Thx


We're hoping that a fan may upload the vid on Youtube after the show (like with his previous interviews). Did you see the preview/interview for it where his voice is featured?


Thank you for the link. Again, he is engaged in a very worthwhile project. I so admire Colin's choices. He is a credit to all things good and meaningful.


Yes, I'm pleased we have someone like him in a world of celebrities who love to do the "look at me" popularity game. There's hardly any media attention on Colin too. He plods along and builds up his professional CV/resume quietly with worthwile projects. I hope he does a documentary about nature one day too, like his hero Sir David Attenborough. Also, I hope he does a narration as well for the WWI centennial commemoration.

He had a lot of time while filming Legend in London, I think, since he wasn't the main actor. While filming Merlin, he was used to working 12-14 days for 8+ months straight with various projects in between too. He's a self-confessed workaholic. I had suspected all along that he had been doing other projects behind the scenes while he was filming.


Watch it on livestream:

It's on now!


Thank you, James. Only 8 min left and it's taking awhile to load, but I'm trying!


I couldn't get it to load. Do you think they will repeat it later?

Also, I completely agree that I'm glad we have someone like Colin in the world ... what a wonderful example he is for modesty, perseverance, kindness, and empathy. One cannot say enough good things about this brilliant man.


I will keep watching the My Heart blog for additional clips ... but would love to see/hear the entire performance, including the orchestra. Please let me know when it's available. Thank you. "Ta", suntse
