The Rising

9th August 2014

"The Rising ... Before Michael Collins there was Sean MacDiarmada"

Colin Morgan mentioned in this video by the producers of the movie “The Rising” as one of the two actors under consideration to play the lead role Sean MacDiarmada!


The other actor: Shia LaBeouf (Transformers)

Given the predominantly Irish cast, and his amazing acting range, our dear Colin has all our greatest hopes riding with him to portray this important role in Irish history.


Yeah hunted for that link and posted it on twitter a few nights ago (so pleased it spread like wildfire). :)

I do hope that Colin gets picked over an American actor who, from my research, doesn't even have Irish ancestry. I don't even know why Shia's name is there. I'm sure the Irish wouldn't stand to see such an iconic Irish historical person be played by a non-Irish. Some people have already said that if Shia gets picked, they won't be seeing the film.

By the way, did you see John Hurt's name as an actor considered for the role of Tom Clarke (Sean MacDiarmada's mentor)? Wouldn't it be great to see them reunited in this film? I mean how great would that be? Dragon & Merlin reunited!


This is one of those roles Colin would say he fought for. He most probably has been intensely reading and studying this event and Sean's role in it for many months now. This is the kind of role his attention to detail will enhance.

By the way, did you see John Hurt's name as an actor considered for the role of Tom Clarke (Sean MacDiarmada's mentor)? Wouldn't it be great to see them reunited in this film? I mean how great would that be? Dragon & Merlin reunited!

Really, Really great! And, of course, I cannot imagine a non-Irish actor being cast in this role ... especially when they have the perfect choice before them. Hopes are high!


I really do hope he gets the part. News is very rare for him and as far as I know, he only has one other commitment, which is a heartwarming drama film with director Sacha Bennett, although they're still working on funding for it... Yes, hope is pretty high that he gets this one. He'd definitely be great for it. There's been a lot of response in the FB page and twitter, lots of positive words for him as the vast majority want him to get the lead role. I love the fact that professionals in the industry had highly recommended him too from the filmmaker who originally suggested him to the actor who played Sean in another series.

And yes, I definitely think he'd prepare so much for this role like he did for his brilliant performance in Parked. Lots of reading, research, and probably some method acting since Sean at some point has to walk with a cane... (Again if he gets the part.)


I'm so pleased they now have an IMDB page - I think their new working film title is "The Rising: 1916" which I prefer than merely "The Rising" (there's 2 other films that are horrors that has the same title). I read an article that they will be announcing the cast this September. If you'd like to discuss about Colin, since he's a potential lead, that may be a good place to do it (with regards to The Rising).



There is a docudrama on YouTube concerning the Easter Rising 1916. Each of the major players is covered individually, 45 minutes, or so, on each one. The narration is sometimes in English, sometimes in Gaelic (which is subtitled). Those interested can find it on channel Stair Na hEireann … the link to Sean Mac Diarmada’s profile is here:

I quote here from the description that accompanies these films, which was
published on Jan 26, 2014:

This major new seven part historical documentary series, narrated by Brendan Gleeson and featuring dramatic reconstructions of key scenes, examines the lives of the seven men who were the signatories of the 1916 Easter Proclamation.

This is the first major television series on the Rising since the 50th anniversary, over forty years ago.

The seven signatories have become legendary figures in Republican and Nationalist mythology but their personal stories and the factual basis of their lives are often masked or lost in the hagiography.The Proclamation, is, of course, one of the best-known and most often-quoted summary of republican and nationalist aspirations and ambitions. But who were these seven men who drafted and signed it and in doing so effectively signed their own death-warrants. Thomas J. Clarke, Sean Mac Diarmada, James Connolly, P H Pearse, Éamonn Ceannt, Thomas MacDonagh and Joseph Plunkett are the names but this series goes in search of the men, their backgrounds and their families.Each man had his own story and they were a much more diverse group than is generally realized. One was crippled by polio at the advanced age of 28. Another was an accountant and a gifted piper who had played for Pope Pius X in Rome in 1908. One of them had spent eight years studying for the priesthood while another was a Scotsman by birth. One signatory had spent 15 long years in a British jail before 1900, convicted of Republican crimes and yet another signatory was the son of a wealthy Dublin landlord.

The most famous was an educational theorist, a loner with a gift for oratory who was also an acclaimed poet and short story writer.

This important series chronicles the story of each man and probes the individual circumstances and chain of events in each man's life that led him to the GPO on Easter Monday 1916, the defining moment in 20th century Irish history. Produced for TG4 by Abú Media - Pierce Boyce and directed by Dathaí Keane, the script was written by Aindrias Ó Cathasaigh and music is by Ronan Browne.

It's too easy to imagine Colin in the final scene ... he will break out hearts yet again ...


I've actually already seen this too, imagining Colin in the actor's place (and said actor also endorsed Colin as his choice for Sean on twitter). And yes, definitely, I was also imagining Colin in the final scene. Prepare for more heartbreak and get the support groups going... (If Colin gets the part... So yes, can't wait for the announcement! It's making a lot of Colin fans really anxious...)


Quote from Colin about being cast in "Merlin":

"When they told me I’d been cast I was ridiculously delighted. I ran around my flat screaming."

That's the way I'm going to feel if he is cast in "The Rising" !!!


I think if he was cast, we should have a worldwide Irish-themed party, complete with a thank you vid from all his fans all over the world. Everyone's just so spread out, from twitter, tumblr, and here.

Hope Colin gets it! I can not wait for the announcement and am hoping so much that we all won't be disappointed.
