MovieChat Forums > Lily Collins Discussion > Just how far will Lily's career go?

Just how far will Lily's career go?

It's hard to predict because every year there's a new handful of young under 30 actresses who seem to get more work than she does. She's getting some work under her sleeves, but a lot of her projects are not set in stone. Pride and Zombies might not get made. How to Be Single might be just another 'rumored' project. City of Ashes is a fail.


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It's a shame her acting has been halted, but she's still popular, what with her deal with her recent Lancôme deal.

I hope she continues to have a good career with bigger and better projects. She does have talent


The Lancome deal is nothing. Sure it gets her out there, but it just shows she's another pretty face. It won't do much for her.


Not very far. She is already 25 and no major breakout role for her, just a bunch of bombs and abysmal performances. She ain't happening.


i think we'll have to wait till she gets to her late 20s probably at that age she will finally get much better roles.

i think the only type of movies that could save her right now is a Niicholas Sparks adaptation.
she needs a good romantic drama like The Notebook and Fault in our stars. just look at shailenne woodley she never made it till she had two succesful YA romances Divergent and the fault in our stars.

now it would be really funny if her breakout comes with something Like Black Swan, Schindlers list or any drama which doesnt involve her being anybody´s love ineterst.

would give her a much better reputation if she manages so since would mean that she can carry a movie on her own. execpt Lupita Nyongo all the other young actresses get their breakout being romantic leads.

Jennifer Lawrence with the Hunger Games sure it has very little romance BUT that 10% of romance in that series is what makes the hunger games so popular.
Shailene Woodley Divergent and the fault in our stars


Kate Winslet Titanic.


I just think she would fit better at more adult films. No more attempts at a YA franchise. That ship has sailed.

The best things are last


She should take her talents to TV.
