MovieChat Forums > Debby Ryan Discussion > Debby Ryan why you break up

Debby Ryan why you break up

Hey Debby why you Break up with Cole Sprouse he did that to you I am up Set about that, but I Really not a fan of your I am Miss Cara I am 24 years old so I like you to be a fan of my I am A new Rock Star like you Debby I like you to be a friend of my what you think about it I miss you A friend I really do for you and i want to say Thank you too you, Pleases send mail and E mail and Face book and A Message me back Pleases OK be safe Debby Don,t for get us Have fun to night OK Debby good Night


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what is? i can't..


Wtf? Do you even speak english? You sure as the hell can't type it?


Uh, she and Cole Sprouse never dated? You do realise they were acting, right?
