MovieChat Forums > Jenny Slate Discussion > It seems people LOVE to see people or pe...

It seems people LOVE to see people or people new at a job fail

What is it about us (not me personally) but so many of us rather, that we relish in seeing other people go down in flames, figuratively speaking.

Take this young woman, new at SNL, a stressful job in and of itself and she drops an F-bomb, like Charles Rocket had done a couple of years before she was even born!

That doesn't happen much on SNL. It happens on the season premiere with millions watching and the show itself is skewered as is by critics.

I didn't see the sketch, but I feel bad for her. I don't want that to be her legacy.

Here's hoping that yuppie Lornie Michaels doesn't send her back to waiting tables........


I know what you mean, I mean, what IS it that is in us that way? However, for this poor young lady its too late: she was already fired about an hour ago. Then a half hour after that, she committed suicide with a Harley Davidson knife. Then, 15 minutes after that, she was revived by EMT's just long enough to perform an organ transfer. It was all rather amazing yet sad, but at least they were able to save the organ:

Now someone who had been on a waiting list for years with little chance for hope, finally will be able to live with the donated Mullet organ and will be sportin that Mullet in trailer parks all over Gods Green Earth. Born of tragedy, Mullets spring eternal, no?

(***BEEP!!***Sarcasm Detected!!!***INITIATING LORNE MICHAELS BLOWUP DOLL!!***)

"Why does the Earth have colors?" - "The New World"


It's called Schaudenfreude when we enjoy seeing other people suffer. Just like when everyone cheered when Ashlee Simpson got fired off of Melrose Place.
