MovieChat Forums > Hailee Steinfeld Discussion > How big role she has in Enders Game?

How big role she has in Enders Game?

I have not read the books so I would like to know. I on the fence weather to watch the movie but if she has a large role I would be more likely to see the movie.


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I haven't read the books either. But if you just look at the trailers, posters and stills that have come out about the movie so far, you can see that Hailee seems to have a prominent role in the movie. She event went promoting the film together with Asa Butterfield and Harrison Ford at Comic-Con.


Petra's got a pretty big role in the book. However, it's not really that much in the movie...nobody much other than Ender gets much in the film.


She may not have been featured as much as Asa Butterfield, but she was spectacular throughout the movie!


She may not have been featured as much as Asa Butterfield, but she was spectacular throughout the movie!

Saw it today (I know, very late to the party). She was quite alright, she looked like she had a lot of fun and portrayed a highly likable Petra. But I don't think her role invites for masterful acting, though.

It was Butterfield's movie from start to finish (as far as acting goes anyway), as well it should be. THAT was spectacular casting. He probably won't win any major awards for it, but not many actors that young (if any) could play such a complex role that convincingly. We really believed that he was destined to save the world, which we easily could have not had they cast someone wrong for the role.

But that's way off topic, so...
I'd say she got quite a big role. She certainly got the most screen time out of the cadets (except for Ender, of course). I don't know exactly how many minutes she was on screen, but in opposition to the other cadets, Steinfeld had enough time to develop her character to be more than one-dimensional, which was nice. She's a good actress and has a promising career that definitely will be exciting to follow for years to come.
