MovieChat Forums > Hailee Steinfeld Discussion > Smoking hot on the MTV

Smoking hot on the MTV

Movie awards tonight!


That's what I'm talking about! Bravo!!


she looks yummy!


Saw her on Begin Again, for an 18 year old she turned out pretty attractive since True Grit, kind of reminds me of Norah Jones a bit.

But what's this got to do with the CIO?


I think smoking hot EVERYWHERE!!!


She's pretty damn gorgeous. I came here to post about her new profile picture. She looks amazing. Great actress as well.


Women should be allowed only to wear see-though shirts.


Anyone seen her in Begin Again? I'm watching right now and I had to pause to come here and see if there were any posts talking about Hailee's hotness in that movie. I decided to watch the movie because I've found Hailee decently attractive/cute in certain other movies (still haven't watched True Grit though, plus she looks a little too "plain" for me in that one). Plus, I've been on an indie "dramedy" kick the last few years, since I tend to relate to those kind of characters and stories more than most mainstream Hollywood stuff.

But(t)...Begin Again...DAMN. I've never seen her look this hot. And she was...what...15 when it was filmed? Those curves... Jesus. I've noticed a lot of girls start to get hot and look like young women around age 15 (some a bit younger if they're so genetically blessed). And to think she's probably only more hot/curvier now. Too bad her roles since then have kept her more covered up. Especially since she's legal.

Wish she'd wear her Begin Again outfit to an award show, so I could actually remark upon her hotness in a (more) socially acceptable fashion and not be harassed or judged by the creepy, self righteous imdb "Normal Police" lol Life is short; they need to spend more time on things like kindness and love and less on judgment and hate without even trying to take time to know or understand a person. Isn't there enough ignorance in the world? Being cynical and "grown up" is overrated, since most just seem like judgmental a-holes. If that's growing up, then no thank you. I'd rather stay young at heart and in mind like Hailee. Don't we all just want to be understood, accepted, and loved as we are? But I guess its just easier to follow the herd and make snap judgments in this fast paced world. Taking time to try and understand and empathize takes too long. Oh well.

Anyway (sorry for the rant, I just wonder if its healthy for me to be on imdb, since so many people here tend to drive me crazy and make me feel like crap with their self righteous, judgmental ways...all seeming like clones with the same personality or wanting everyone to be the same...seriously creepy...this place seriously needs a trigger warning lol)...yeah, if I knew Hailee looked like this in Begin Again, I'd have watched a lot sooner. Too bad she was barely in the trailer. Just showed a little, split-second flash of leg and luckily I caught it and that was enough to hook me :-)

"That's the theme of my movies: The victory of the battered idealist in a cynical world."
