MovieChat Forums > Hailee Steinfeld Discussion > Still 5''7????!!!!!?????

Still 5''7????!!!!!?????

What in a world???She was 5''7 at age 13.She must definitely be 5''10 or 5''11 now.Her height needs to be upgraded!!!


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Hailee was already 14 years old when she claimed being 5'7". Besides, girls stop growing on average at ages 15/16. Much earlier than boys! As you can see here:

So there is no way that Hailee is 5'10" or 5'11". She would be already a lucky girl if she would have managed to reach 5'8". But looking at some recent pictures, I would say that she is not taller than 5'7".




How about science and biology?


Girls STOP growing at 13/14
That depends on each case. On average it is usually more around 14/15. Then there are early bloomers and late bloomers.


No, on average it is 13/14 for girls and males stop growing at 15. This is just a fact of science.


No, on average it is 13/14 for girls and males stop growing at 15. This is just a fact of science.
You don't know what you are talking about. Specially your claim about boys stopping at 15 is completely ridiculous. That's precisely the age where boys tend to be in the middle of their big growth spurt. Most boys stop growing around age 17/18, but then there are late bloomers who still continue growing until their early twenties.


Males can grow later but 17 would be the LAST spurt. Girls come to a complete stop by age 13/14. There is a reason why males are on average taller than females.
Next you are going to say the tallest people are black just because of the NBA.
