MovieChat Forums > Colton Haynes Discussion > The pressure got to him.

The pressure got to him.

He's not returning to Teen Wolf season 3. Oh no, all those gushing tween girls will be devasto.


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He will be unemployed for a long time.


this is hollywood, home of the shallow. He won't be unemployed for long.


Just did. He'll be even more high profile since he has been cast to play Speedy in the Green Arrow series on the CW network. It's their #1 series, although that doean't say much since the CW's ratings are so low, but it actually brings in respectable ratings for their network.


It's actually their #2 series behind Vampire Diaries (Arrow pulls in more total viewers but that's a meaningless number, TVD does better in all the numbers that actually matter), but definitely a hit for the network and it is a higher profile show than Teen Wolf. The role is a recurring one right now, but given who the character he's playing is in the comics, you have to think it's going to be one that becomes bigger and very likely turns into a series regular.

I'm glad he got cast on a show that I both watch and love, I really liked him as Jackson on Teen Wolf, but this role could easily surpass that given that I like Arrow overall much more.


They already HAVE a "Speedy" on the show, the female version who is a apparently a spin on "Arrowette" or "Artemis". COLTON is playing "Roy Harper." Roy is also known as "Red Arrow" and "Arsenel." But on this show he will not, in fact, be "Speedy."

Defender of the weak, and enemy of the weak minded.


He could still be Speedy. I'm guessing if they use that name it will involve something happening to Thea and him taking her nickname for his hero name in memberance of her. But yea his character has plenty of other names they can use, plus they've used new names for other character. Merlyn was the Dark Archer, and Ollie is the Archer not Green Arrow.
