I can't thank you enough for the May 2016 article you did in Entertainment Magazine on this issue.

Most people don't realize how hideous living with disease is. It can happen to anyone, at any time in life.

Stress is sneaky. You live with it for years and then one day, out of the blue, BAMM!

I,ve live in a high stress situation my entire, without realizing it. First born of three to a career military non-commission officer. I was born outside the US, but have live in the states most of my life. We, Army Brats, get used to having to move ever few years, and learn fast not to let people get too close. I'm out-going make friends easily, was was afraid let anyone in, if you follow me. I' a grandmother now, but in my entire life, I've only have 3 or 4 people I could honestly were BFFs. I feel more comfortable around guys than girls. I'm completely heterosexual, but have a Niece a nephew and a stepbrother in the LBGT community.


Those of us who suffer it know we will die younger than we should, more likely than not from heart failure or stroke, and no matter what we do, how well we take of ourselves, it'll happen anyway.

Many pharmaceutics companies are making huge strides but, they are so expensive, even with insurance, we can't get the medicine. Yes, these companies have free programs for the poor. WHAT a JOKE. Too many fall in the cracks.

This disease is very real, utterly devastating and can be ultimately fatal for those who suffer from of.

Thank you for being one of the first to stand up ang Bang the Drum.
