Spitting Problem

I saw Spring Awakening the other day and was lucky enough to get 2nd row seats, but nobody warned me I would be in the Splash Zone! While he had an amazing voice and was an excellent performer, his spitting was so distracting! Every time he sang, especially if it was one of the faster songs where he was also dancing and moving, it looked like it was raining onstage. I don't know how the lead female was able to stand there without flinching, because he spit all over her.

Is this normal for Broadway stars?


yes. Almost every broadway actor spits. Its just that some people generate more saliva than others lol. Idc. He could spit on me anyday. lmao


OMG! THANK YOU!! LMAO!! My best friend and I went to go see Spring Awakening early last year, and we got 3rd row seats. During the final song "Those You've Known" He spit out this HUGE spit wad into the 2nd row and almost hit this lady who had to duck out of the way. After the show my best friend and I decided to give him the nickname "The Sprinkler" lolol I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed.

And yes, a lot of Broadway performers spit a lot because of the detail to diction and projection... but Jesus... he was like... whoa.


he is so beautiful he can spit wherever he wants. and yes its very normal.


I agree, ugh hes gorgeous.

But I noticed that to. He really does spit. A lot.

With its heartache, with its sorrow, Winter wind sings and it cries-Spring Awakening




I just saw Spring Awakening this afternoon, and I must say that the last time I experienced that much saliva in my path was at the San Diego Zoo in the camel section. Will someone please convince this otherwise compelling performer to practice a bit of private personal suction before he projects -- for the sake of those in the orchestra seats? Contrary to what others on this forum have said, not all performers spit so profusely. His quantity of spittle is definitely unique, and it appears under the stage lights to be nearly as grand as the fountains at the Bellagio. AK


Spring Awakening fans call his spit action Groff's Falls.

You got IT...and you can keep IT.
-Chico(Monkey Business).


Yeah, I noticed that, but luckily I was far enough away not to get it. However when I saw Alter Boys I was front row center and got spit on alot. Which is okay cause I hardly noticed since I was laughing so hard cause incase you don't know, Alter Boys is hilarious.

"I got a fever. And the only perscription is more cowbell."
