The truth...

Yes, he's very good looking. And he seems like a very nice guy. But he can't act that well. I'm watching Switched at Birth right now and he's making me cringe. In Breaking Bad he was much better, I wonder why his acting got worse with SaB.

I don't even usually make threads like this, but I just wanted to see if anyone else shared my opinion?


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I enjoy his work ! Hey hater point your venom in some other direction !


Yes agreed, he is handsome and seems like a nice guy. But he is not a natural actor, emotionally I don't believe him when he's acting. It's like it's forced, when he hugs Walt when they're near the pool in the hotel (Rabid Dog episode). Also, I can tell he is not crying at points when he's pretending to. Yes, a lot of actors do this but most actors on Breaking Bad are actually truly crying and going through something emotionally in their faces. His range is very limited from an emotional standpoint on Breaking Bad.

When he's told that Walt is a meth cook by Marie and Skylar, his acting seems so limited compared to the other actors he's around.


...some self- righteous petulant brat who contributes nothing but annoyance and anger...
LOL!!! Talk about denial. And just what do you think you are, with you angry posts?


I haven't really seen him in anything other than BB. In that he was okay, but I was almost cringing at times with his delivery. It could have been partly the fault of the script, but I felt he was one of the weakest actors on BB. That's not to say he's awful...he's a much better actor than I could ever be.


I have to agree. It's not being a hater at all, kids. If you don't like an actor or even just their character, it doesn't mean you hate them. It means you don't find them talented enough or they did not have a good character written. He annoys the crap out of me in BB. I haven't seen him on anything else, though.
