MovieChat Forums > Asa Butterfield Discussion > Do you reckon he got his big break cos o...

Do you reckon he got his big break cos of his incredible eyes?

I don't mean to say this in a bad or spiteful way, i like and respect Asa because hes a talented actor and a nice person but also because hes from London...

I was thinking about this since i watched The Boy In The Striped Pajamas a little while ago. In that film, i think eyes were meant to be a big thing because notice how EVERYONE in Bruno's (Asa's character) family had blue eyes (probably to a certain extent following Hitler's views about everyone being blonde and blue eyed) and because Bruno was the main character he had the most striking blue eyes of all.

Im sorry but this had to be a big factor with him getting the part and thus putting him on the ladder to success. I mean obviously talent, likability and discipline are big factors for a director to make their choice but the look of the character (especially in that case) is the most important.

So i ask the question again; Do you think Asa got his big break with Boy in the Striped Pajamas, directly leading to his subsequent high profile movies and success because of his pretty pale blue eyes?

"I believe what ever doesn't kill you, simply makes you...stranger" The Joker


Hello P-E. It's been a while.

In the cast and crew interviews from Boy in the Striped Pajamas DVD there is some mention of the fact he has brilliant eyes, but the compliments are mostly paid on his abilities as an actor. In the same vein, I think that his look has gotten him in front of casting directors, but if he wasn't able to act he would have never made it much further than that. The way someone looks can be changed through makeup and CG, but talent cannot be faked.

Here's some clips where various cast and crew talk about Asa:

I wasn't able to find the DVD interviews, but here's one example where director Mark Herman talks about casting Asa and Jack:

Haley's Comet
I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. - Ender Wiggin


I've seen the DVD interviews...because i have the DVD

But i would be very surprised if anyone from the casting team actually said that they casted him because of his look. Generally you keep things like that quiet.

Im sure there were a huge number of extremely talented boys up for that part, maybe boys with more experience than Asa because lets not forget that this was his first big film and he has got much better since then.

And your right it has been a while, i meant to reply to your PM but i knew it would be at least an hour typing time so i kept putting it off and eventually forgot sorry.

"I believe what ever doesn't kill you, simply makes you...stranger" The Joker


Lool i watched the video and it pretty much proved my point haha.

"I believe what ever doesn't kill you, simply makes you...stranger" The Joker


So, what you're arguing here is that the people that made the decision gave the most weight to the fact that he has very blue eyes? I can't imagine that anybody who took their responsibility seriously would put that much emphasis on a single physical trait. Like I said, if it was that important they would have airbrushed it later had him wear contacts.

I can imagine the conversation...

Casting Director: Here's the folder with Bruno finalists. What do you think?

Director: Well, these two are very talented, and this one in particular has everything down exactly right but then again, there's this Asa kid.

Casting Director: Oh? Okay, yeah. What about him?

Director: He has blue eyes.

Casting Director: Yeah. Actually several of the finalists do.

Director: No, no... but his are VERY blue.

Casting Director: I see. But you said the other had everything down exactly right.

Director: Oh, yes. But green eyes. Yeah. Just won't work.

Casting Director: Seriously? You're being serious right now?

Director: Blue eyes for the win!

Yeah, so... I'm sure it had a little to do with him being recognized but it's only part of the whole. I happen to think he has very thoughtful expression, as if he is actually thinking what he's saying not just spewing out lines of dialogue. Regardless, BitSP is a good film with a great story, and although I can't now imagine someone else in the role of Bruno, I don't believe Asa was necessarily destined for the role.

Haley's Comet
I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. - Ender Wiggin


Well we agree to disagree here then. And that convo you mocked up wouldn't be said like that. You worded it so that it sounded comical.

"I believe what ever doesn't kill you, simply makes you...stranger" The Joker


Okay, agree to disagree. The mocked up conversation was meant to be comical to emphasize my idea that it would be silly to choose someone simple based on a physical feature.

Now come over to the Ender's Game board and stir up some trouble (about something different). It's getting way too slow over there.

Haley's Comet
I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. - Ender Wiggin


There are many British people with big blue eyes, and I doubt any director would endanger his/her film by casting someone incompetent just because of their physical traits. To me, when people refer to his eyes, it always seems like they're commenting not on how big or how blue they are, but on how expressive they are. People think his eyes are "striking" because of the emotion behind them, not because of their color. If you think about it, there are a lot of actors with very unique eyes (Saoirse Ronan and Chris Colfer, for example), but Asa's the only one who has been recognized by directors for his eyes...


His striking eyes and appearance would make him stand, but he'd have to have talent as well (which he does!) otherwise they'd be risking a lot to cast him.
