His Voice...

Before I get "attacked" here (lol), I know a million times over that Atticus has OI (which I wrote about in a paper, way back in undergrad, for a "Psychology of Health" class - so I knew about it 20 yrs b/f this show :). Anyway, his voice just sounds super weird for a prepubescent kid to me (no disrespect for the actor, of course, but I agree with others that his whole appearence is pretty strange). But with that said, I DO hope he's happy, as I would with any other child actor whose thrown into the spotlight. And btw, brittle bone disease doesn't necessarily affect one's attractiveness, esp in mild cases like his - I think he's just a funny looking kid, period. And I'm sure he's a nice kid, so i hate even saying that, but it just is what it is.

Anyway, back to his voice - to me, it kinda sounds nasally and "frog-like," but i can't exactly explain it (???). So while I can't imagine that that OI affects the voicebox, maybe somewhere here knows if that's possible??

"Giving $$ and power to gov't is like giving booze & car keys to teenage boys." PJ O'Rourke


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I know a kid who has OI and he has a strange voice similar to Atticus. But I don't know really, could have something to do with OI or could be a coincidence.


I know next to nothing about OI, but high-pitched voice is listed as one of the symptoms.



He doesn't have a high pitched voice. They are (sadly) clearly making him try to talk a certain way to fit his character's age (11-12) so he's forcing his voice an octive higher. If he spoke to you in real life he'd sound just as he should for his age.


Yeah he's a freak.
