MovieChat Forums > Atticus Shaffer Discussion > Atticus has Osteogenesis Imperfecta

Atticus has Osteogenesis Imperfecta

Osteogenesis Imperfecta is a brittle bone condition. He is a mild type (3 or 4). Many of the more severe cases have thousands of fractures by the time they turn 10.

I have OI and have been in a wheelchair all my life - my daughter has OI as well but she, like Atticus, has the advantage of modern science. She walks (like Atticus) takes dance and has a fantastic sense of humor.

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Thanks for sharing. Some don't appreciate the fact that this kid hasn't let his condition set limits for himself.
Check out the film "Gattaca" It can be very inspiring.

Im the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega


That's really interesting. Thanks for sharing.

Your love of the halfling's leaf has clearly slowed your mind.


Wow! Does he really? That's pretty amazing.


Huh, just watched an episode of The Middle, he does have blue sclera. Surprised i didn't notice it before.

I have OI as well, but i am only type 1 and i also have zoledronic acid infusions, so my bone density is normal.

"I would give my life to be dead" Francesco Dellamorte


Ah, okay, thanks for the information. I wondered if he had some sort of condition. There is just something about the way his neck and shoulders look that made me wonder, then when I saw on his IMDb page that he is eleven, that added more reason to wonder. It's great that he isn't letting that stop him from doing what he wants to do (assuming, of course, that he wants to do it and it's not his parents' idea! ).

I do not have attention deficit disor...Ooh, look at the bunny!


Hi all,

Yep I'm another person with OI... watch us all come out of the wood work now ;-) I did a bit of research, and Atticus has type 4 OI (according to the Sillence types) and this is probably why I love watching the show so much (as he looks a lot like I did at his age). I walked at 3 after having rodding surgery (like Atticus)... although I'm a fair bit older than he is and so he has had the benefit of Pomidronate infusions to increase bone density. I look with some affection on his slight OI Waddle when he walks as well... that's totally the way I walked (although alot more pronounced!) when I was his age :-) BTW the neck/shoulders thing TimmyAnn mentioned is typical of this type of OI, and is because of softer bones, and probable vertebral compression.

Just a quick nit pick (cause I'm pedantic!) According to the Typing of OI that is most used internationally, severity of OI goes something like (from most severe to least severe) Type 2 (Perinatal Lethal Form), Type 3 (Severe), Type 4 both (a: if teeth are OK and b: if Opalescent Dentin), and Type 1 (a and b) there are about 5+ more different (more rare) types that have been categorised since then, and each individual with OI is unique (obviously) so the fracture rate is not really predictable (ie. I've only had about 40, all in childhood, and I'm 35) whereas I guess that Atticus has had less, in part, because of his promidronate treatments (I would guess).

I think Atticus is doing an awesome job... I'll no doubt be watching his career with pleasure now and into the future.

