Needs Braces

I just finished The Maze Runner. In her first 'real' scene coming up in the box, I can't help but zoom into her front teeth. First thought to come to mind, "I bet she's English." I mean no offense to English folks, I've just noticed they're not so picky with. their actors' teeth.


She's a gorgeous girl and doesn't need to. Sure it'd be nice if her teeth were better but everyone's different. She usually portrays lower class woman anyway.


Yes everyone is different a concep you do not understand.


What the hell are you on about? Her teeth are straight and cavity free. This is actually what teeth naturally look like. Not everybody shares the American obsession with bleaching the sh*t out of their teeth or having the perfect picket line in their mouths.

So, you see someone with what you consider to be bad teeth and your first thought is that they must be English, sharing that thought and don't consider this to be offensive. Yeah, right. Well, whenever I see a stupid, fat person I think they must be from the States, without trying to offend anyone, of course.

"America and England are two nations divided by a common language." - George Bernhard Shaw
