MovieChat Forums > Alicia Vikander Discussion > She is English, Scots-Irish/Northern Iri...

She is English, Scots-Irish/Northern Irish, Swiss-German, distant Dutch

I was just watching her short interview clips in the DVD extras of "Ex Machina" and I noticed, especially when she expressed herself, she reminds me a lot of actress Lea Thompson. So I looked up Thompson's ancestry and it is "English, Scots-Irish/Northern Irish, Swiss-German, and Dutch ". Therefore that must be Vikander's also, looks don't lie!

..*.. TxMike ..*..
Sometimes I think we're alone in the universe, and sometimes not.

NB - This post is made in jest just to make fun of the two or three posters who come here to say "they know" what Vikander's ancestry is based on her "looks." Personally I don't care what her real ancestry is, I think she is a lovely actress who is also very good at her craft.


She also drinks a lot of tea so she must be mainly British, lol
