Which movie?

I just saw some screen captures on Tumblr of Alicia and an older man, where the man asks her "would you like to fix it?" and she answers "I'd be delighted.". She's wearing a yellow-ish dress, a matching hat, and sunglasses.

Can anyone tell me what movie that's from? Sorry if it's something super obvious lol.


It's from "The man from U.N.C.L.E.".
Alicia plays Gaby,an auto mechanic.The scene you mentioned is the one at the race track.Gaby offers to fix a racing car engine.


Ah, thank you! I don't know why I didn't think it would be.

Seems like a good movie. Adding it to my Watchlist!


The movie is on now. We saw it in theatres, really enjoyed it. The actors are fun/funny together, hoped for a sequel but it doesn't seem to be in the works.
