MovieChat Forums > Taylor Swift Discussion > ''The man'' video shows she has no conce...

''The man'' video shows she has no concept of men

It seems like she based her portrayal of ''the man'' off of movies like American psycho, the wolf of wallstreet and various types of Tom Cruise films. This is not how business men act or behave. Most single men taylor's age just work, pay rent and stay at home as cost of living is so high and wages are low. She is out of touch. Some of these men make less than 30 K before taxes (I'm not kidding). That would be pocket change for her.

Go what's up with this?


I think you nailed it. Everything she knows about the world is what she watches in movies.


says the dudes discussing movies on a movie website all day everyday


Lack of real world experience. She's been famous and pampered since 16.

She makes more than a CEO of a fortune 500 company many times over. The song and the video make no sense because of this.


I would imagine Taylor is very shielded as well. Creepers, assholes and dick shits are never allowed into the same room with her.


She's just following orders.



Male-bashing is just so in right now.

Doesn't mean she THINKS this way, just wants some media attention.


Yeah that is what I was getting at. A lot of these celebs don't have much control over their careers and just do what they are told. I don't know much about Swift nor am I necessarily a fan but I can see the difference between Swift the worker following orders and Swift the person.

The two may not align.


and some people wonder why all men leave her... LOL
