MovieChat Forums > Dev Patel Discussion > His real skin color

His real skin color

What is it exactly? Because for some reason - I had a feeling (when I was watching Slumdog Millionaire) that his skin color in the movie was not natural. Or did not come out natural at all. He looked REALLY pale for some reason. In the Toronto Film Festival premiere pics his skin color is very tannish/pink. As crazy as that sounds. So what made his skin so dang pale in the movie?


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He looked pale in the movie... Haha.. No Offence but I think you need some glasses:

If you think he looked 'Pale' in that film - You probably think the actual Light Skinned & Often Light Eyed Northwest Indians look Nordic:

.. Anyway the answer is course 'Brown' like the Typical Average Indian. His Skin Color shouldn't matter though to be honest.


Honestly, I don't know anything about indians. I just noticed throughout the film he was very pale. It was not the actual color of his skin that I had the problem with. It was the tone. I've never seen any other people besides caucasions with pale skin that are still healthy. I've seen white-skinned people of every race. But those people were never pale in color. They were just white. This man was pale and I thought maybe he was sick.


His real name is Devon Patterson, and he is actually a regular white guy, just don't tell anyone.

Yesterday I woke up sucking a lemon.


That's just the way he was lit in the film---actors/actresses look different depending on how they are lit according to their skin color. I saw the film, and he's definitely brown-skinned----didn't see anything pale about him---or anybody else in the film,for that matter.


I think his pure indian a lot of indian people are a mix of white and indian since india was invaded by the british

then the british had half indian and half white kids


This is completely untrue, there are very few Anglo-Indians, maybe .01 % of Indians during British occupation were 'mixed'.

Indian social structure is very rigid and resilient and did not promote mixing, it still doesn't.

Don't be ignorant.
