MovieChat Forums > Anna Camp Discussion > She was too old...

She was too old...

In Pitch Perfect. She's absolutely gorgeous but I found her noticeably older (hence coming here to confirm).


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You do realise that you can be 50 and still be a University student? My own mother has done three Uni Degrees. She graduated from her most recent one in 2010, when she was 54!!! My father has done several, too. He was 39 when he graduated from his last one. I know that Aubrey Posen was probably meant to be in her early-20s, and Anna would have been 28/29 when they filmed Pitch Perfect, but the people on here who are putting, "she looked too old to be in University" have obviously never been in higher education. I'm a Uni student myself, and I know quite a few people who are in their late-20s/early-30s who are doing both Undergraduate and Postgraduate degrees. One person in the second year of my course (I'm in the third and final year) is 42, and two years older than our youngest lecturer!

That is all.


Anna Camp was born in '82, Anna Hendricks was born in '85. OP doesn't have a clue what he's talking about.

She was perfect in Pitch Perfect and pulled off playing a college aged student successfully.

MrsPrimitiveBoomstick's bit of stuff


There are worse examples.

Jimmy Stewart (50) playing 30 year old Charles Lindberg.

Liam Neeson (44) playing 30 year old Michael Collins

Stockard Channing (33) and Olivia Newton John (28) playing high school kids in Grease.

"To love another person is to see the face of God"


Don't forget, Stacey Dash was 28 when she played 16 year old Deon in Cluless.


Hear, hear! :)


And let's not forget pretty much the entire cast of Glee.


Mel Gibson playing a young man in Braveheart, the whole cast of the original 90210
