MovieChat Forums > Armie Hammer Discussion > about to get #cancelled?

about to get #cancelled?

some very strange news stories coming out


Actors have overcome worse controversies, but he will have to lay low for a good while. He won't be 100% canceled unless he either A) keeps doing it (Shia Labeouf style) or B) this is just the start of a giant snowball of allegations

So far it's just kinky talk. Creepy, and in today's Hollywood it will be deemed predatory or whatever. But it's not criminal


he now trending twitter and dropped out (fired?) of his current film role but denies the BS


I don't think it's just BS. He will deny it, of course. The DMs are disgusting and sleazy. I'm not one to judge people just for being kinky, but he takes it into some real cringe territory in those DMs

Tbh, I don't care much for Armie Hammer. There was a time where Hollywood was trying to make him an A-lister. Mirror, Mirror was a star vehicle. J. Edgar was a star vehicle. Lone Ranger was a star vehicle. In all of those films the main attraction was a true star (Julia Roberts, Dicaprio, Depp), but clearly he was being set up to be the next big thing. Except all of those movies were duds

Reading up on his bio it seems that he has lived a life of extreme privilege. With his family living in the Cayman islands probably so that they don't have to pay taxes on their wealth. And he has good genes, handsome and masculine. A distinctive voice

This guy had the easiest possible road to success and still manages to be mediocre

But my own personal feelings aside, I think he can bounce back. Sleazy sex talk is not an unforgivable offense in Hollywood. It will damage his career prospects for some time, but unless there are more fucked up revelations coming, it shouldn't be a career killer


This was more than just sleazy sex talk. He sounds like a wannabe serial killer and rapist if he hasn’t killed or raped already.


Yep, you were totally right. He was a real freak


fakest DM shot iv'e ever seen. Black text on a white background. I can knock something more convincing up on MS Paint.

I wouldn't believe what rags tell you. Most news is click bait now, rather than actual reporting, and journalistic investigation. Journos just check reddit every now and then for their sources and remake reddit posts calling it their own work.


Is there legit proof? Its like evey man is cancelled before facts are proven. Karen Heard can still work


Who is Karen Heard?


A cheap looking hooker who craps her bed


That's Amber.


Its Karen now she lost the right to be called Amber


Just call her Whore then instead of insulting all the innocent Karens of the world.


Oh, Tracey Hemming, you mean.


I oppose cancellation but he was a cancel type. So the 'ol "reap what ya sow" bromide is fun to watch play out.


He's definitely been a #cancel target for a while now.. makes you wonder if its a BS set up or not


There's a chance he'll come back from this.

I mean, he's a handsome man who's just shown the world that he's a lot sexier than everyone thought he was, Hollywood might find a use for him.


I don*t understand all this hate!
Just because he wrote some strange stuff to a few woman doesn't change that he is a great actor, right?


He now got dropped by his agency.
It looks really bad for him.


Maybe he could play a young Hannibal Lector.


We can all make fun of AM but his livelihood is about to go down the drain! He might end up working in Canadian daytime TV.


Apparently he's selling time shares in the Cayman Islands.
