MovieChat Forums > Taylor Schilling Discussion > Got kicked out of NYU

Got kicked out of NYU

"My roommate went to grad school with Taylor Schilling. He said she was always late for class, not really feeling the whole education thing, kind of a hot mess. The story went that the day she was kicked out of NYU, she made her final exit running down the halls screaming “I’m going to be more famous than all of you!” at everyone."


And she was right.


Sounds more like an early episode of 90210.


She should have stayed and taken a drama class. I'm sorry, but she is definitely the weakest link in the chain on Orange is the New Black. It's really obvious that she's outclassed by the rest of the supporting cast. I actually laughed during her "breakdown" on episode one of the second season.


You actually believe that NYU story?

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She's definitely an overrated actor with absolutely no acting range. All she does for comedic effect is to look stupid which is really not such a huge stretch for her.

Taylor Schilling being herself:


Omg dude that was the funniest thing I've seen in a while. Slowing that video down proves a point haha


You obviously know nothing about the art of acting.


Is it just me or my connection, or is the speed slowed down to the point where she sounds like a guy?
