her fingers

her index and middle fingers on both hands are really short. It's freaky.


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Yeah, it throws me off too


Because of this thread, I find myself staring at her fingers even when I can see her breasts (which are immaculate).

Thanks a bunch.


Thanks, man... thanks a lot. I never noticed it before but now it's all I see.


I've only seen them in the tub, where they ought to be immaculate.


Some people just have short stubby fingers. You got a problem with that?


She must have some sort of disfigurement. I am staring at a freeze frame of her fingers right now (on the tv) and the ring fingers are longer than the rest of her fingers which also look oddly stunted. She's definitely got something going on. In fact, I wish she would be open and up front about it. Might do some good for people who have the same or similar disorder. Not a huge deal either way, but was something that I noticed and looked up here.


(on the tv)... and that, the, frame is - where?!

http://www.imdb.com/media/rm106952960/nm2270016 ^^ Some people just have short stubby fingers. & anyway, she's little - and short - so, she's not gonna have -some- huge, alien, hands, right?!
http://www.imdb.com/media/rm3820400896/nm2270016 :))

P.S.In fact, I wish she would be open and up front about it.... How is she not being open about it? o.0

Edit: LOL, "Laura Wiggins was born on August 8, 1988 in Athens, Georgia, USA [..]" - there's ATHENS, in Georgia! xD

Oh & btw., her hands don't seem to be mentioned, much (at all, hehe), anywhere; http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2270016/news
