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On Watch What Happens Live

She said there was a famous person that's a female who her and her bff don't like and make fun of and call her the Lady. I wonder who it is.


Don't watch the show the host produces trash.


I was just watching the rerun and was wondering too so I came to see if anyone else has ideas and when I came to her page there was a video from x-men and I saw Sophie Turner aka Sansa Stark... who is referred to as a lady on game of thrones. I think Jennifer and her friend also said they call this person the lady in red... and Sophie Turner has red hair. I really don't know what they would have against her and I feel like the person they were referring to is probably a lot more famous but I saw Sophie Turner and my brain started turning. Another thought is maybe Julianne Moore. She's also got red hair and was in the hunger game movies with Jennifer... but I'm just spit balling. The red thing probably doesn't even have anything to do with hair but maybe.
