MovieChat Forums > Jennifer Lawrence Discussion > Something that really pisses me off

Something that really pisses me off

I love Jen so much. But her talk about women receiving less money than male co stars pisses me off. She was just named highest female actress the second year in a row. Catching fire paid her either $15 million or $25 million alone. Care to see the other paychecks of her other films because holy *beep* she shouldn't be complaining. People working labor jobs in the real world, earning *beep* money, just to do it all over again, all the while barley making ends meet. As a woman, I'd kill to make that much money. I wouldn't care if my male costar got paid more, because I got millions just to act. Now I admit gender inequality exists, in HER case of complains, the money she makes for just being in one movie, is a joke. Racism is a bigger issue in terms of inequality than gender inequality.


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Getting paid millions for acting vs getting paid $8.09 an hour for heavy labor that's draining and exhausting in every sense. Don't complain.


Something that really pisses me off

A few thousand dead in yet another flood down Louisiana ways, displaced Syrian refugees,women in Juarez being kidnapped off the street for gang rape/ murder "parties".... Yeah, there's not a crisis or transgression on the planet more pressing than Jlaw's griping over her wages.


She didn't talk about herself!She talked about all women who receive less salary than their male colleagues! Of course she makes a lot of money! Nobody denies that! And so do the kardashians and for no reason! And nobody is complaining about them!


She didn't talk about herself!She talked about all women who receive less salary than their male colleagues! Of course she makes a lot of money! Nobody denies that! And so do the kardashians and for no reason! And nobody is complaining about them!

Allegations of a wage gap(it exists, just not in the proportions so widely reported)explored here:

More specifically, as pertains to Ms. Lawerence and her peers in Tinseltown, I addressed this dilemma briefly here:

Beyond simply negotiating for salaries with panache similar to that of their male counterparts, these gals could do their sisters in arms even greater justice by promoting the virtues of thrift and unpretentiousness.


She talked about all women who receive less salary than their male colleagues!

They say genius skips a generation. Mom's a genius, so I guess I'm a genius too


That's too much. the one of three who can't even act gets paid almost 4x the other two brilliant actor's salary. shaking. my. *beep* head.


You mean the body pain that she was allergic too? Right... I thought Lawrence was the uneducated one?

~The insane are blessed in a beautifully twisted way~
