MovieChat Forums > Jennifer Lawrence Discussion > Jennifer in comedy film with Amy Schumer

Jennifer in comedy film with Amy Schumer

Lawrence has co-written the screenplay for a comedy film with Amy Schumer, in which the pair will co-star as sisters

I would love to see Jennifer in a comedy, but with Schumer........i donno know. Looking at the trailer of her new movie, schumer is now a bit too nasty and dirty......... what you think?


Co-written, the way that Ben Affleck co-wrote "Good Will Hunting"? Or Co-Written, the way that the Wachowski's co-write?


Both Schumer and Lawrence are fat, seem to be nasty and loud. So it's believable if they are cast as sisters but as usual this movie will sink in the boxoffice.


That was always one of my biggest complaints about Jennifer's portrayal of Katniss, at least in the original movie. Katniss was supposed to be starving, and lean. Somehow it looked like she was snacking on Twinkies from Peta's shop though.


That was always one of my biggest complaints about Jennifer's portrayal of Katniss, at least in the original movie.

Thank god Gary Ross and Suzanne Collins weren't as pathetically small-minded and superficial as you and made the best choice possible.


Thank god Gary Ross and Suzanne Collins weren't as pathetically small-minded and superficial as you and made the best choice possible.
Suzanne Collins may have praised the casting choice, but she had nothing to do with the casting of Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss. As discussed by multiple news sources as well, the casting of Jennifer did not follow the source material. Here is one from Huffington Post in 2012:

Nice try though FRAUDstus5, but as usual, FACTS have proven you wrong! If you put your phone down, you'd know this.


Suzanne Collins may have praised the casting choice, but she had nothing to do with the casting of Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss.

Collins was made executive producer, was closely consulted with at every stage on all four movies, was able to shoot down (and did shoot down) any ideas she didn't like, saw all the auditions, and most definitely had a lot to do with the casting.

What an utterly clueless moron--as usual.


Executive Producer means that you are given a credit, nothing more. (Kind of like Hugh Jackman's Executive Producer credit in the X-Men movies).

If she was so heavily involved in the project, she'd have told Lionsgate "Hey, I wrote 3 books, not 4!"

As ALWAYS FRAUDstus5, FACTS have proven you an utter and complete failure with nothing of value to contribute.


Executive Producer means that you are given a credit, nothing more.

Thanks for once again educating us on how little you know about the film industry and the details on this particular production. Your quest to continue embarrassing yourself in a public space has been very successful.

It is simply a fact, attested to by both directors, that Collins had real power and influence over the films. When Francis Lawrence wanted Effie to be in the Mockingjay movies, Collins originally said no, and had to be convinced otherwise before the change would be allowed. When FL wanted Johanna Mason to be part of the assault on the Capitol, Collins shot him down and did not waver.

Facts. So inconvenient for you.
