Femme Fatale

I would like to see Jennifer Lawrence star in a villainous role in which she seduces men and kills them. She has shown moments of anger and been sexual in many of her roles, but it would be amazing to see her unleash her inner evil and play a totally sexy psychopath.


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God forbid. That's not her type of roles AT ALL.

Nolan, I love you forever!


She's not a villain in it, but in her upcoming Red Sparrow, she's a Russian spy who uses sex to manipulate men. The book was trashy fun, but a little overly lurid. I hope Francis Lawrence (the director) tones down that part.


So you're hoping that Diablo Cody is going to pen Jennifer's Body II and Jen is the lead?

If Diablo's not available, I wonder if there are any other script writers out there that have Jen in mind for the lead.


Talk about brain circuits misfiring. When you can't lie about something, you just type random nonsensical sentences.


When I say "sexy femme fatale," I mean something more high-class than typical gratuitous sexual roles. Roles that fit the category I'm thinking of that come to mind for Lawrence to play:

- Poison Ivy in a Batman movie in a serious depiction of the character, in which she uses violent sex to kill her victims, and not be just someone there to look hot or say sexy lines
- a more sophisticated version of Species in which JL could play an alien seductress/mother-to-be
- a Gone Girl/Fatal Attraction-type role in which she uses sex to commit domestic violence
