MovieChat Forums > Jennifer Lawrence Discussion > i dont need her to visit hospitals

i dont need her to visit hospitals

how about just being a decent human being towards other people, especially a reporter who was struggling with english?

she tried to make a guy a laughing stock, when it was her who misunderstood the question. hey jlaw maybe get out from behind your superiority complex and listen to his question


how about just being a decent human being towards other people, especially a reporter who was struggling with english? If you put your phone down, you'd know that she was a decent human being!

Amazing how in less than 4 years, she went from the most adorable sweetheart who stuffs her face with French Fries to the woman who belittles and harasses people trying to compliment her on her achievements.

It's almost like she came to this message board and believed all of the "safe space" nonsense that folks like ihash and moutnsalish would post on a daily basis.


If you put your phone down, you'd know that she was a decent human being!

i know sorry... im struggling with english and abit nervous, i decided to read my questions off my phone, and for that i should be bullied and ridiculed infront of everyone

It's almost like she came to this message board and believed all of the "safe space" nonsense that folks like ihash and moutnsalish would post on a daily basis.

its not even a safe space.. its an impermeable space, where if you criticism her for anything you are wrong, a jerk, obsessed and a hater. if you stalk her every move you are normal, and only praise and excuses are allowed even when she is obviously at fault and bullies some poor guy struggling with english


i know sorry... im struggling with english and abit nervousSadly, Jennifer doesn't even have a nom this year for the Golden Globes, so we won't get more of her antics like this that make her relatable and more loveable 
its an impermeable space, where if you criticism her for anything you are wrongThe trolls are back too. Lots of new socks popping up with accounts from just over the summer.

Seems like they're testing the waters on what they can/can't get away with before migrating back from their safespace board over to IMDb.
