Overrated actress

I have nothing against her as a person but in terms of her acting, I think she's mediocre at best. I never understood the hype.


A lot of people have never understood the hype nor have they bought into it.

Jennifer is essentially a brand of great timing. Hunger Games being a much bigger franchise than predicted, and her starring in Silver Linings Playbook around the same time that the HG franchise was being established really put her into the media at the top very quickly.

Hunger Games was expected to be a success, but not the massive box office smash that it was. The sequel raked in even more, but the last 2 did even worse. The trend of her sales at the box office has indicated that while popular, she is still not a box office sensation on her own.


I would say she's more piggy- backed. Not often you see her act with other stars who are rising up the ladder like she is. Lawrence is always overshadowed by way more experienced actors like DeNiro or Bale or Jackman or Donald Sutherland. Not like other actresses like Gemma Arterton, Olivia Wilde, Emma Watson or "friendly rival" Kristen Stewart where not only they act with the heavy hitters but act with peers who are young like themselves. Lawrence never received the "sink or swim" treatment as these other actresses have, perhaps is why I don't respect her that much.


That could also be why there is the misconception that she is such an incredible actress, because she is working off of already proven talent.

Bradley Cooper had more to do with the success of SLP than Jennifer did. Some people are huge Chris Tucker fans, and they went to see the movie to see his return to the screen. That was his first movie since Rush Hour 3, nearly 10 years before.


Bradley Cooper had more to do with the success of SLP than Jennifer did.

Just when I thought you had hit bottom, you outdo yourself with an even more delusional and idiotic statement. You and reality just don't get along, do you?


You are grasping for straws at this point. 

You and reality just don't get along

Finally. The first time I have seen you write something accurate. You and reality just don't get along.

Bradley Cooper was a much bigger star than Lawrence was at the time. He was already being cast in lead roles and had a successful franchise under his belt. Lawrence was just beginning to gain momentum at the time, with the first Hunger Games released that year. TRY AGAIN.

And as always... STAY FURIOUS!


Just when I thought you had hit bottomYou mean... the bottom of the box office like Joy, Passengers, and the latest installment of X-Men, and the last two installments of the Hunger Games ensemble franchise?

You and reality just don't get along, do you? Like declaring "Joy" a box office triumph when compared to the other movies that the "Best Actresses in a Leading Role" were nominated for, despite the fact that "Joy" had over 10x the production budget and over 20x the marketing budgets?

FACTS as ALWAYS have proven you wrong, FRAUDstus5.


She's a bit ubiquitous for her talent but they needed some fresh blood to replace the ageing actresses that arose in the 90's. Nice to look at, not much in her head but passable, perfect popcorn fodder.


Like declaring "Joy" a box office triumph. . .

Which never happened. Does writing true things somehow cause you pain or something?
