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Fortunately, we have people like you to make sure it never happens.

In the kingdom of the blind, you're the village idiot.


You are an idiot.
We finally have a president that talks like us.

Not to mention morons like yourself blame him for being something he is not.
Burn in hell you liberal slut.


We finally have a president that talks like us.

Only if "us" means ignorant morons who have no class and no grasp on how the world actually works.

Good to know that your criteria for a good President is someone whose "talk" you like. This makes you about as superficial an idiot as one could hope to describe, doesn't it?


Dear Monopole (AKA The Dumbass),

I didn't realize your reading comprehension was that low.

What I meant was he doesn't play or talk like your typical bullsh*t lying politician.

He is out for us to make our lives better unlike the liberal full of sh*t politicians that lie to us and tell us to pass bills before we can read them.

You idiot.


Wow. You're f--king nuts.

And woefully ignorant on history, politics, and basic governmental structure.


He is out for us to make our lives better unlike the liberal full of sh*t politicians that lie to us and tell us to pass bills before we can read them.

So stupid that you don't even grasp the degree to which you've been conned. He's so good at pressing the right buttons that you never realized how shrewdly you were being manipulated. You idiots were played like an instrument.

Allow me to let you in on a secret: Trump rips off everyone he comes in contact with. Unless you are already wealthy, there is no sense in which he is out to make your life better. . .and even then, you are at risk.


Allow me to let you in on a secret: Trump rips off everyone he comes in contact with. Unless you are already wealthy, there is no sense in which he is out to make your life better. . .and even then, you are at risk.

Allow me to let you in on a secret. You are a liberal moron. The fact that you just quoted CNN and MSNBC is proof of that you schmuck.  And the fact that our black president thought he was doing a benefit for black people by giving them more food stamps instead of giving them jobs is proof.

Liberals. Can't live with them. Can't leave them in your trunk and leave them at an abandoned parking lot.

Next time dumbass, come back with some quotes other than from Anderson Cooper or The Rachel Maddow lesbian show.
