MovieChat Forums > Jennifer Lawrence Discussion > Complans about being famous.

Complans about being famous.

So she is rude to her fans. So why be famous then?

I mean I get what shes saying but what was she expecting? Shes a big star. Shes super rich. Stop your bitching.


She is right. You are not entitled to invade her personal space.


Yeah but having fans comes with the job.


Yeah but having fans comes with the job.

Accepting other people rudely interrupting your privacy doesn't come with any job. Real fans don't do that kind of thing. Only jerks.


Speaking of jerks... here's FAUSTUS5 butting in and being rude to other 


According to you, we all have the right to freely engage in conversation without the fear of reprisal. We may have different opinions, as Faustus does, but we still have the right to express them freely. How does name calling weigh into that line of reasoning? I seem to remember "you" butting into a conversation that didn't involve you and being rude as well. Did you forget already? So, I'm guessing it has to be one of two things: either your Alzheimer is really kicking up or you really need to start practicing what you preach. Which one is it President Snow?


How does name calling weigh into that line of reasoning?Hey Toby! That grammar check isn't working out so well for you... where did I call Faustus5 a name? I merely said he was being rude.
I seem to remember "you" butting into a conversation that didn't involve you and being rude as well.Unlike the poster above who was name-calling... I informed you how wrong you were about IMDb's grammar check. (Which you still have not thanked me for btw!)
you really need to start practicing what you preachYou're welcome to freely discuss, but no need to be rude while doing it Toby. Just because you worship Jennifer, doesn't mean you have to be disrespectful towards others like she is!


Speaking of jerks... here's FAUSTUS5 butting in and being rude to other

To an idiot like you, me participating in anything is butting in and being rude. You are just not mentally all there.


If you provided some actual topic of conversation or discussion that was factually based and unbiased through your baseless claims, then absolutely it would be welcomed and received.

But instead, you bully, harass, antagonize, belittle and harm other posters with valid opinions and discussions that differ from your own jaded view.

For example, in your very post above, you used an ad hominem and personal attack to somehow give yourself credibility. But, as usual, you have no basis for you claim and are proven wrong at each and every turn.
