MovieChat Forums > Jennifer Lawrence Discussion > Why do people hate Jennifer Lawrence?

Why do people hate Jennifer Lawrence?

Why do people hate Jennifer Lawrence so much?

As an actress?

(I don't know her personally, so I just can talk about her as an actress.)

Quite frankly, I don't think she is a bad actress.


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Why do people love Jennifer Lawrence so much?

As an actress?

(I don't know her personally, so I just can talk about her as an actress).

Quite frankly, I think that she is an overrated actress.


Can you please name an actress from the past 15 years that you think is great?


Can you please name an actress from the past 15 years that you think is great?Brie Larson, Felicity Jones, Rooney Mara, Anne Hathaway, Saoirse Ronan.
Questionable as to last 15 years criteria: Marion Cotillard, Amy Adams, Natalie Portman, Charlize Theron

You didn't answer the question, nor provide any details as to why you think that Jennifer is great... are you sure you're not just trolling?


I don't know, I assume he meant who started their career within the past 15 years. (Or became a hit within the past 15 years).

Interesting enough, he seems to be of some intelligence since he is a Miyazaki fan. But, it seems like he was just trolling since he hasn't responded. Either that, or he's hanging his head in shame.


Over emotes/under emotes

This scene shows Jlaws two ranges, overemoting shreiking and blank stares. With her it seems to be either 300% or 10%, rarely in between. over emoting doesnt have to be annoying shrieking like in that clip, it can mean overly intense dramatic whispering like in Joy.

Gets carried in ensembles by far more talented actors

in almost all movies she is supported and carried by far more talented actors.

ill use AH as an example. Bale and amy had far bigger roles, more screen time, and hence a bigger challange maintaining their accents in shots and from shot to shot and scene to scene. yet they did spectacularily.

look at this clip. it shows JLAWs 3 AH accents. there is the strong long island accent, the one where it slips and she is half long island half jlaw, then the full out normal JLAW. you can see around 25 her accent is strong. then it slips, then by 32 seconds in its just 100% normal jlaw........

this isnt the only time. its her modus operandi in the film. in the beginning where the sun lamp catches fire, in a single 10 second shot she says but irv there was a fiyah(fire), i have to put the fire out)...

Phones in performances after her demands are met

the most prominent is DOFP and Apocalypse.

- in DOFP the studio made her more of a lead, paid her more and she still began phoning it in

-in apocalypse the studio paid her even more, and were even willing to betray fans, since it totally contradicted the last two films mystique arc, and give into jlaws makeup demands and only make her have to be in makeup around 1 minute of screen time. How does jlaw repay them?? by doing one of the worst, most phoned in performances ever seen.

one commentary by collider video of apocalypse, who are big fans of hers. was jsut nonstop laughing, cringing and making fun of how bad she was in literally every scene

she only plays herselfwhich is okay if you are michelle rodriguez and a secondary character, but jlaw just plays jlaw. no range, no change, no effort

Her persona and antics have become 2 bit, predictable and grating

-people bought her madeup "everyman, hey im normal" persona at first. but not it seems so forced and fake it is kind of annoying. "i like pizza! i eat fries! i have pranks puled on me peeing! i scratch my butt!" we get it we get it....

-plus the gold and globes video where she bullied that reported kind of disgusted people. she made fun of a man struggling with english so he had to use his phone, then she misunderstood his clear question and tried to use it to bully him again, while making a joke out of herself


Felicity Jones, Rooney Mara, Anne Hathaway, Saoirse Ronan.

Questionable as to last 15 years criteria: Marion Cotillard, Amy Adams, Natalie Portman, Charlize Theron

I agree on Felicity Jones, Rooney Mara, Saoirse Ronan, Natalie Portman.

Natalie Portman is the most impressive among them in my opionion. You're right, she is better than Jennifer Lawrence.

Charlize Theron should be cast in better movies.

Julia Roberts, Kate Winslet and Nicole Kidman are, without discussion, actresses better than Jennifer Lawrence. They have been around for a longer period, though.

I enjoy watching all three of them, but I dislike the Kate Winslet "Sense and Sensibility" stuff.

As to your question, I really enjoyed the movies "Winter's Bone" and "Silver Linings Playbook". IMHO Jennifer Lawrence was great in "Winter's Bone".


Natalie Portman is the most impressive among them in my opionion. You're right, she is better than Jennifer Lawrence. I think Natalie is very underrated. She's had her share of hits and misses as well, but I think she offered more to Thor than Jennifer did to X-Men.
Charlize Theron should be cast in better movies. She makes some interesting choices. Did you see Mad Max? She was really good in it, and they're considering a "spin-off" with her character.

It wasn't my favorite movie, but it was surprisingly good. Probably the way a reboot should be done, paying enough tribute to the original, but also going in a different direction.
As to your question, I really enjoyed the movies "Winter's Bone" and "Silver Linings Playbook". IMHO Jennifer Lawrence was great in "Winter's Bone".Interesting, since those happen to be the two in which she was nominated as "Best Actress". I liked "Silver Linings Playbook", but I don't feel as if it is Jennifer who made the movie. It wasn't really a difficult role, and it was the Bradley Cooper part of the story that was more interesting.

What makes an actor or actress really stand out, is when they totally own a role and you don't see that actor/actress; but that character.
