MovieChat Forums > Jennifer Lawrence Discussion > IMDb Boards Close BEFORE Jennifer Lawren...

IMDb Boards Close BEFORE Jennifer Lawrence is a Proven Box Office Hit

Such a shame. I thought 2017 was the year she would show everybody that ensemble casts, franchises or books series' were not needed for her to consistently break $100,000,000 domestically.


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I'm kinda sad boards will be closed!😢😢😢


Best thing I've heard in a while. Your days of lying about and distorting reality will be over forever and I won't have to police your lunatic B.S. any more.

(And it is people like you, Veggie, Moo, DP, and the other losers who brought this on yourselves, have no doubt about it. You defecated in the pool one too many times, and now you'll have no pool. . .while the rest of us have plenty of fun places to frolic where your kind will never be permitted. JOY!)


 Oh FRADUDstus5, I think I'm going to miss winning against you the most.

You're right though, I did lie about all of those times I said I was tired of winning with you. I never got tired of winning and proving you wrong!

I won't have to policeWell, at least you finally admitted that you were the serial reporter who poorly attempted to silence others who were discussing the truth so that you could spread your distorted praise about.

(And it is people like you, Veggie, Moo, DP, and the other losers who brought this on yourselves,Sounds like you've got a lot of grudges against a lot of people FRAUDstus5! Maybe you need to go outside more?


 Oh FRADUDstus5, I think I'm going to miss winning against you the most.

Oh, don't worry--nobody will ever stop you from imagining things that never happened. You can stay delusional as long as you want. Frankly, I don't think you have a choice.

Well, at least you finally admitted that you were the serial reporter who poorly attempted to silence others who were discussing the truth so that you could spread your distorted praise about.

Correcting your pathetic lies by attacking your posts is not silencing others. You just could never take it when I pointed out how much trouble you have with the truth in a public space. You are nothing but a worthless serial liar, nothing more.


You can stay delusional as long as you want.You mean like that time that you insisted that Jennifer Lawrence never argued with the Producers of X-Men - Apocalypse about not wearing the Mystique makeup? And you were PROVEN WRONG from Jennifer's own words?

Or when you foolishly claimed that no one every more more than $200,000,000 for a movie; and you were PROVEN WRONG that James Cameron has?

So much winning, you make it too easy every time you open up your mouth.

Correcting your pathetic lies
Jennifer's Domestic Box Office Run, only 1 movie broke $100,000,000 that wasn't an Ensemble Cast, Franchise or Book/Comic Series:
Passengers (2016) $96,530,870
X-Men: Apocalypse $155,442,489 -Ensemble/Franchise/Comic Series
A Beautiful Planet $8,738,319
Joy $56,451,232
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2 $281,723,902 -Ensemble/Franchise/Book Series
Serena $176,391
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1 $337,135,885 -Ensemble/Franchise/Book Series
X-Men: Days of Future Past $233,921,534 -Ensemble/Franchise/Comic Series
American Hustle $150,117,807 -Ensemble
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire $424,668,047 -Ensemble/Franchise/Book Series
Silver Linings Playbook $132,092,958
House at the End of The Street $31,611,916
The Hunger Games $408,010,692 -Ensemble/Franchise/Book Series
Like Crazy $3,395,391
X-Men: First Class $146,408,305 -Ensemble/Franchise/Comic Series
The Beaver $970,816
Winter's Bone $6,531,503
The Burning Plain $200,730
Garden Party $21,886


You mean like that time that you insisted that Jennifer Lawrence never argued with the Producers of X-Men - Apocalypse about not wearing the Mystique makeup? And you were PROVEN WRONG from Jennifer's own words?

Do you know what is preventing you from citing the posts where I said these things? Reality. Those posts don't exist. All I did was express skepticism and demand evidence.

I know you are desperate to imagine that you have won a single argument against anyone here when you have won nothing, so if imagining events differently than they actually happened is your only road to happiness, I guess it will have to do. But you are really quite pathetic.

Or when you foolishly claimed that no one every more more than $200,000,000 for a movie; and you were PROVEN WRONG that James Cameron has?

More desperation on your part, sad puppy. You know very well we were discussing the pay of actors. But if imagining events differently than they actually happened is your only road to happiness, I guess it will have to do. It still makes you really quite pathetic.

Jennifer's Domestic Box Office Run, only 1 movie broke $100,000,000 that wasn't an Ensemble Cast, Franchise or Book/Comic Series

Yes, we know that like a brain damaged child, you are obsessed with the idea that America is the only country that exists and that somehow ignoring all other facts is your only road to happiness.

Grown ups who analyze this stuff for a living know what kinds of conclusions to draw from ALL the meaningful data. Suck on this:


Do you know what is preventing you from citing the posts where I said these things? Reality. Those posts don't exist.Oh FRAUDSTUS, are you off your meds again? Here's the link to where YOU claimed that NOBODY ever made $200,000,000 off of a movie:

Knowing you, you'll just delete it within the next 16 days because somehow in your mind, it will mean that you were right (despite being PROVEN WRONG with FACTS).
Yes, we know that like a brain damaged child, you are obsessed with the idea that America is the only country that exists and that somehow ignoring all other facts is your only road to happiness. So, the movie that literally invented Hollywood and produced the very films you are referring to is irrelevant?

Your pathetic attempts at spin have failed. You have failed.

Jennifer is NOT a proven box office hit. [/endthread] 
