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 You can see how hard he is trying to promote it too.

Notice how despite the claims that they packed up and left, they have still returned over the many months? The new site is exactly what they wanted... an echo chamber to praise and worship their favorite actress.

Obviously it is not a success (just like Jennifer Lawrence's box office take) and they have had to continue to return to IMDb to generate actual discussion.


Because they miss how it used to be, it was active and filled with all recent posts of exclusively positive opinions in the first page.. I guess the fact that they will never go back to that causes them pain and resentment.. even if they could regain their board, people are over Jennifer.. so those days are officially over.


So very true. Jennifer was never the sweet little girl they all thought she was though. The evidence was always there, they just read into it too much and thought "Hey, someone like us!!! Who is famous!"

Well, she never was like them. Her meltdown at the 2016 GoldenGlobes essentially sealed her fate.


No one likes that prude fag. He annoys the fck out of everyone, wherever he goes. Cult leader mountsalish probably doesn't even like him.
