I used to like her

then she was a complete jerk to that guy "on his phone" at the Golden Globes. What an elitist snob.


You used to not like her - for no reason. Then that thing happened with that guy on his phone - so now you at least have a reason (albeit fabricated) for not liking her.


You used to not like her - for no reason.Assumptions aren't facts.


You used to not like her - for no reason.How do you know?Some voice in your head told you right?


Get real! You could go back through months and months of posts on this board and not find a SINGLE ONE from dwlow saying that he or she "likes Jennifer Lawrence". Suddenly Jen does something that can be tortured into a minor controversy and BINGO - he announces that s/he doesn't like her - - anymore.


Suddenly Jen does something that can be tortured into a minor controversySuddenly? It happened over a year ago, and she has continued to display her nastiness ever since.

If you put your phone down, you'd know this.


And one time when I was driving my car I called a fellow driver an A-hole under my breath. Who knows, maybe you've done the same(?) It doesn't mean that we should be continually publicly condemned for it. We all say thing we wish we wouldn't have said. Give her a break little buddy.


So you road raging is relevant to you at an awards show where you paid and expected to answer questions that reporters ask you is similar... how exactly? Not really seeing how they are remotely similar there.

Seems more like she cannot keep her cool even in a venue that is specifically designed to cater to her.

As for saying things that you regret, did she apologize to the reporter? Or to the people who found those stones to be sacred??


Not really seeing how they are remotely similar there. OK you're right. Not all that similar really.

did she apologize to the reporter?Not that I know of. But 'yes' she should have.

Or to the people who found those stones to be sacred??Native Hawaiians? Yes we need to understand, respect, and appreciate those with religious, cultural, or moral values different from our own. Jen must be fully aware of this as there are so many who have expressed a different intolerance during this past election season that she herself has stood against.

But I don't hold any of that against her. It's a bit of a Catch-22, but when we say Jennifer is bad for treating others badly, we are treating her badly, which makes us in turn - bad. We don't have to like the behavior - but it's important to like the person.
