
I don't understand it, why does the Academy hate Jennifer Lawrence? It really is pathetic, and I don't get what she has to do to get the proper recognition she deserves. The Oscars proved once again that they are a joke.


The Oscars proved once again that they are a joke.Didn't Jennifer win an Oscar?


This post is ridiculous, Lol. She has been nominated 4 times and won an Oscar already! There so many great actresses that have not won Oscar.


#1 maybe actually put in an amazing performances


#2 in the case when you are the current "it girl", put in a decent enough one that they can pretend you deserve it even though far more talented acctresses around you clearly do


She's a kid, an untalented punk. Someone is making money off her that's all. There's so much money in elevating semi talented actors like this for "Handlers." Always follow the money. These kids are a dime a dozen.


There's so much money in elevating semi talented actors like this for "Handlers." Always follow the money. These kids are a dime a dozen.

Sorry, but that isn't how objective reality works. You can't just point to someone who is "semi-talented" and anoint them a success, unless you believe in mind control of the world's critics and directors. And lets just assume you aren't that crazy.


fraudster, you dont even know the definition of objective..

its embarrassing....

on the passengers page i saw you arguing that " JLAW is objectively a great actress"

plenty of less than talented actors and actresses over decades have been pushed as the "it girl" or "guy" while far more talented actors got got sidelined and got less recognition than those hollywood chose to annoint

its not a conspiracy, its a 60+ year old system that you cultists, along with the persona system, choose to ignore because it doesnt involved praising our lord and savior JLAW.

anyways the relationship is.

studios want to make money so they push certain select actors in big roles and through spending millions on publicizing them, especially during award season-> magazines, the media and award shows also want to make money, so they report more on the "popular ones", and often undeservedly select these actors simply to get ratings-> the publicists and agents build personas and play on this status, purposely dishing out story's to the media, and working with studios to get roles that further them (like tom hanks playing the every man)

and the circle goes around and around and around...

but none of this exists.. or at least according to the cultists... its all "a conspiracy"

yep a 60+ year old system well documented on the internet, often written about by respected film professors and critics in acedemia, and in every single first year film class text book is a massive conspiracy..


studios want to make money so they push certain select actors in big roles and through spending millions on publicizing themThe studios hit gold too because Jennifer also spoke to a large number of younger viewers... because of her fake persona.

"Oh she eats French Fries... I eat French Fries!!"
"Oh she fell over on the red carpet, that's so classic Jennifer!"

However if you read between the lines, it was always obvious that she was incredibly fake and her true acting job was while she was being interviewed. It was just a matter of time until her true nastiness was exposed, and she's losing many of that younger fanbase.

Passengers still failed to break $100,000,000 Domestically. That leaves 1, 1 movie of Jennifer's that actually has broken that amount that was not part of a franchise, book series, or ensemble cast. And even that movie is littered with celebrity star power that carry the movie.


However if you read between the lines, it was always obvious that she was incredibly fake and her true acting job was while she was being interviewed.

Oh, so you have psychic powers, now?

No, you don't. You're just a troll living in an imaginary universe of your own creation.

Passengers still failed to break $100,000,000 Domestically.

Funny how you fail to note that its total box office is almost $289 million, which is remarkable for a film which was panned by so many critics. Guess reality isn't cooperating with your bogus narratives, is it?

Forbes is having none of it:

The good news is that the relative success of Passengers makes the case that studios can still make money from high concept and star-driven big-budget original genre fare. The bad news is that the chance to prove as much is getting smaller each year with big money being (understandably) allocated for brand adaptations, reboots and sequels. At the very least, the strong worldwide showing makes a case that Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt are more than just “Internet famous.”
