Avg actress

Really she is an avg actress. Only comfortable with urban and modern character. Else she is pretty avg.

Apart from tht not at all beautiful. Worst figure.

How d hell she can think to compete Legendary Actress like Kangna. What does she smoke anyway. Deepika go get life and learn acting.


Um she is not Average loll...she has better face and body than me or you or most people in this word loll..u wish you looked half as good as her. Kangana is great too!!


Um she is not Average loll
Your loll statement says about her average acting and looks.

she has better face and body than me or you or most people in this word loll
Again loll. Face ? Ok I agree she has pretty face. body ? GO get life. She doesnt have good figure ok. Why can't you agree on this ?

u wish you looked half as good as her.
What my look has to do with any actress ? Why should I wish btw considering I am guy ha ha ha.
Seems you are just arguing for the sake of argument.

Kangana is great too!!
Hello great too ?? Only she is great.


She's very hit and miss, granted. But it's unfair to say she can only play urban or modern characters. He best performance to date is in Ram-Leela and it certainly wasn't an urban portrayal.

Kangana is a very good actress but personally, I think Deepika looks better.
