MovieChat Forums > Anthony Fauci Discussion > Who is worse? Fauci versus Hitler?

Who is worse? Fauci versus Hitler?

Technically Hitler killed more people but Fauci affected more people. When Hitler was in power there were entire regions like Argentina that were unaffected by his rule. Nowadays, almost everyone has had Covid at least once.


Fauci is definitely worse.


Fauci. At least with Hitler we got knowledge of extraterrestrial weapons and artifacts.

Fauci gave us nothing besides dumb blue haired woke hipsters that I have to deal with every fn day.


Fauci is way worse! However both evil in their own way. Hitler was the boss, Fauci is working for the Vanguard Group so he is just a muppet.
The planets most sinister people must be the large families that vertically integrated in everything.

Fauci goal is depopulation :


Even though it is highly unlikely, some people actually want to hold Fauci accountable:

Senator Rand Paul Promises Fauci Will Spend the Rest of His Life in Jail:

Because of the DOJ’s inaction regarding Fauci’s lies to congress, I’ve now sent a criminal referral to D.C. U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves. I’m demanding an investigation.


Definitely Hitler was worse.
Hitler was in a position of power while Fauci only executed what his masters ordered.
You can compare Fauci to any SS officer, but not to Hitler


Hitler created some policies that were among the most evil ever carried out. But he was also a brilliant politician, one of the greatest orators in all history, and a decent painter. Fauci isn't good at anything except getting government grants, and smugly aggrandizing himself in softball mainstream news media interviews.


So let's agree. Fauci and Hitler are/were pieces of shit and the world would be a better place without them both


Hitler did nothing wrong. He rightfully deported communists from his country because there were turncoat scum (much like the democrats of America). Not his fault all jews are commies. Not his fault typhus killed some of them. Not his fault supplies lines were cut off by the west and made people starve including those commie scum (germans included).

If he wanted them all dead, they all would have wound up like that scene in the beginning of Inglorious Basterds. You shoot them. You don't bring them to camp, delouse them, make them work, feed them, give them dental coverage and a pool. If what those lying jews said were true, jewish women would have needed to produce 3 babies a year to match their made up death totals with actual jewish population at the time. 6 million is a proverb and prophecy they clutch to and have used years before there ever was a "holocaust." It's documented in the variety of news articles that predate Hitler.

Adolf wanting to get his country and people off a debt based chosen people-bank run economy was a noble cause that needed to crack a few eggs, and like any country that decides that, their plans works, but are faced with impossible pressure through intimidation and outside force to prevent it from continuing with great success.

Imagine coming out of the great depression, with unfair sanctions after being scapegoated for WWI, with the best economy in the world (or maybe Europe), enough to give hope to the world and make Hitler man of the year, and people existing that wanted to stop it. Those people DO deserve DEATH.


If we think he did what we think he did, then that little turd.


Fauci......the Mengele of the 21st century.


You. You are worse for thinking this or posting it.
