Ever read his bio?


He's done a lot through his years in medicine and tackled many epidemics of the past. I can see why he heads the places he does today. I think in time as they've admonished him in the past, they'll eventually praise him in the future as they did with HIV/AID's.


Yeah, he's a pretty impressive individual. From the standpoint of people in the future studying history he will look very good in the context of the 2020-21 coronavirus pandemic. The pursuit of truth and a desire to serve the people always flatters.

As opposed to the politicians whose only concern at the time was pandering to a demagogue and getting themselves re-elected. That's not going to age well. How many of Joseph McCarthy's ass kissers and enablers are celebrated (or even well known) today?


Fauci is a bureaucrat whose only concern is dragging out his fifteen minutes of fame by keeping the corona virus hysteria going as long as possible.
