What happened?

What the hell happened to her career?


Nothing Champ, she's got 2 movies coming out soon. She's in that new Bruno Mars video too.


She is in the new Bruno Mars music video entitled "just the way you are".


Oh. Big wow. So she's a video ho now. Nice!


wash your mouth you dirty coward
Or better still get lost and do not comment in this board (which is only for intelligent people!)


Amen to that.


exitos shut the hell up. He is 100% right. Appearing in a music video and doing nothing else mainstream isn't exactly great for your ACTING career. And maybe you shouldnt comment on this board since you have done nothing to disprove his very valid argument that her career has gone NOWHERE.


And how is that your problem. What is it that you do that gives you the righ to have an opinion on other people's life?


"She's in that new Bruno Mars video too."

That must've been her dream. See you in Walk of Fame, Neela!
