We are family...

For all the StarKid fans and the newcomers via Glee... just thought I'd share as a reminder what Darren tweeted the other day:

"StarKid fans, meet your new baby brother GLEE. We're all family now, so play nice ok? Remember, this doesn't mean that I love you any less."


He'll always be Harry Freakin Potter to me and have our cult following, but let's try to embrace his success and be happy instead of letting negativity ruin the party. Besides, what better way to break out than through an awesome, geekarific show like Glee!


Yeah I'm really not a fan of Glee, but it's really awesome that he got on the show, many more people will know about him now and hopefully he will be able to get into much more than just one show .

only YOU can prevent PG-13 slasher films


Very true :D


I'm glad Darren has found success with 'glee'. Unfortunately the show started to go down the pan rapidly halfway through the first season. if it bothered me for I'd probably feel quite backstabbed by the writers for destroying the great potential the show had.

"Two by two we'll go from door to door cause God loves Mormons and he wants some more"
